About Career Gloss LLC

Partnering with small businesses to showcase their recruitment brands authentically.

Young businesswoman receiving praise from her colleagues during a meeting in a modern office. Successful young businesswoman smiling cheerfully while being acknowledged by her team.

You already know your people are your most important asset. Showcasing the values of your company to passionate job-seekers needs to start with recruitment - not only when new employees are on board. This is the first step to long-lasting respect from future employees.

You know your business best; we can show you how to highlight your unique opportunities to potential applicants.

Pamela Fine founded Career Gloss LLC to fill a clear gap in the talent acquisition market for small businesses.

Small businesses don't have access to the time, budgets, and marketing teams of larger companies to find the best candidates. Yet, there are amazing opportunities for potential candidates to find the career trajectory, flexible schedules, and leadership experiences to grow at small businesses. We are ready to step in and drive achievable, affordable, and actionable people-focused recruitment plans for your business so you can compete in today’s market.

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Let’s work together to create clear messaging and clean action plans to drive people-centered recruitment. Start the conversation today to see how Career Gloss LLC can support your recruitment goals.